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Global Outreach Conference Seminars

December 5, 2013, at the Maine Maritime Museum in Bath, ME

Explore some of the most compelling topics affecting our industry today. Your conference registration gives you access to all four of these seminars:

9:00 to 10:00 a.m.
ABYC and CE Ratings
Tricks of the trade for exporting vessels overseas
The market for Maine-built boats around the world is expanding. Our yankee ingenuity and craftsmanship is revered on every contintent, but our boats aren't often sold overseas due to the confusing regulations surrounding exporting. Learn how our own ABYC regulations overlap with CE rules, and then dig deeper to see the additional requirements you may or may not already be meeting.
Speaker: Fred Berry (Hinckley Yachts)

11:00 to 12:00 a.m.
Best Practices in Project Management
Keys to successful management in the marine industry

Join a panel of project management professionals from Morris Yachts, Front Street Shipyard and Great Island Boat Yard as we discuss project management best practices in both the service and boatbuilding worlds. This event gives employees the rare opportunity to discuss, ask questions and learn from the different perspectives of our experienced panel. The panel discussion will be an open forum to provide knowledge sharing opportunities to uncover solutions, conerns and challenges encoutered when trying to become a better service or boatbuilding organization.
Speakers: JB Turner (Front Street Shipyard), Steve Rowe (Great Island Boat Yard), Nick Fawle(Morris Yachts)

Noon to 1:00 p.m.
Complimentary Lunch

1:00 to 2:00 pm
Marketing Through Photos and Video
DIY tips for going viral with your cameraphone
Most of us are walking around with the necessary equipment to be famous filmmakers or photographers right in our pockets. With YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Flickr, Twitter and more, we can use our cameraphone videos and amateur photos to extend our marketing messages far and wide in cyberspace. Learn some basic shooting dos and don'ts, and see how easy it is to edit your own work into professional-looking photos and videos that are ready for the small screen.
Speakers: Alison Langley (Langley Photography), Nicole Jacques (Rhumbline Communications)

2:15 to 3:15 p.m.
Intellectual Property
Don't put your baby out there unprotected

The recent case of Bruce Kirby vs. Laser Performance highlights the challenges and opportunities in protecting the intellectual property of boats as they are presented to the market for the first time. Join maritime lawyer and author Benjamin Ford as he discusses the Laser case and some thing to consider before your next big unveiling.
Speaker: Benjamin Ford (Verrill Dana)




Beach Pea
